HypnoTalks Questions & Answers
mit Axel Hombach und Dr. John Butler
Dieser Podcast richtet sich in erster Linie an Hypnotiseure, Coaches und Therapeuten. In den einzelnen Episoden diskutieren der Neurologe und Universitäts-Dozent Dr. John Butler und Axel Hombach Themen und Fragen, die in der täglichen Hypnose-Praxis relevant sind.
Natürlich ist dieser Podcast auch für interessierte Laien interessant.
Der Podcast ist auf Englisch. Übersetzte Transkripte sind in Vorbereitung.
This podcast is primarily aimed at hypnotists, coaches and therapists. In the individual episodes, Axel Hombach explores together with neurologist and university lecturer Dr John Butler various topics and questions that are relevant in our daily hypnosis practice.
Of course, this podcast is also interesting for interested laypeople.
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 31: Hypnotic Techniques – Selfhypnosis
Selfhypnosis is a very important aspect of every work with clients and ourselves. We need selfhypnosis to walk the talk. We discuss and share some old techniques that make selfhypnosis even more effective.
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 30: Hypnotic Techniques – Direct, Indirect and other Hypnotic Styles
When we talk to hypnotists there seem to be mainly two hypnotic styles: indirect (Ericksonian) and direct (authoritative) Both seem to exclude each other. Dr John Butler sheds some light into the fight and proposes a better, client centered style.
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 29: Hypnotic Techniques – Tapping on the Forehead
Tapping on the forehead is a popular technique with a lot of myths around it. In this episode we discover where it came from, what it was originally intended to achieve and how it’s done correctly.
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 28: Hypnotic Techniques – Arm Levitation & Suggestibility Testing
Arm levitation is another very classic hypnotic technique used by the godfathers of modern hypnosis. Learn what it’s used for, what it has to do with suggestibility, and why you should make it a staple in you repertoire.
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 27: Hypnotic Techniques – Ideomotor Responses
A very classic hypnotic technique are IMR, the ideomotor responses. Almost forgotten, can they help you to increase your success rate dramatically!
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 26: Hypnotic Techniques – Inductions
If we want to hypnotise people successfully, we need to know the principles of the hypnotic induction. Dr John Butler and Axel Hombach discuss the most important principles and how we can apply them masterfully.
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 25: Hypnotic Techniques – Introduction
Many myths exist about how hypnotic techniques work. Axel Hombach and Dr John Butler look into important techniques and shed light on how they actually work and what they intent do do.
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 24: Typical Topics – Stress Management
Many people choose hypnosis to manage their stress level. In the 4th episode of Typical Topics, we explore what you need to know to have really long lasting success with hypnosis for reduction and management of stress.
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 23: Typical Topics – Performance Enhancement
Many people choose hypnosis to enhance their performance. In the 3rd episode of Typical Topics, we explore what you need to know to have really long lasting success with hypnosis for positively managing your performance.
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 22: Typical Topics – Losing Weight
Many people chose hypnosis to lose their weight. In the 2nd episode of Typical Topics, we explore what you need to know to have really long lasting success with hypnosis for weight loss.
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 21: Typical Topics – Smoking Cessation
Many people chose hypnosis to stop smoking. In the 1st episode of Typical Topics, we explore what you need to know to have really long lasting success with smoking cessation.
HypnoTalks Q&A – HypnoTalk 20: Typical Topics – Intro
In hypnosis some topics are more typical than others. With ep.20, we start a minis-eries that explores the issues and topics that our clients come with more frequently.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 19: The Hypnotic Journey comes to an end
In episode 19 we explore what we need to do to lead the hypnotic journey to a successful end, so our client has the greatest benefit.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 18: The Hypnotic Journey back to the roots
In episode 18 we explore how the hypnotic journey can lead back to the roots, and how a root cause analysis and integration can lead to closure.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 17: The Hypnotic Journey gains speed
In episode 17 we explore how the hypnotic journey gains speed after the hypnotist has set the stage for the benefit of the client.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 16: Beginning of the hypnotic journey
After the overview, we explore in episode 16 the beginning of the hypnotic journey, the first steps a hypnotist and the client take together.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 15: Overview of the hypnotic journey
In episode 15 we start a mini series about the “hypnotic journey”. The hypnotic journey is the various states of a hypnotic session.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 14: How to cope best with New Year’s resolutions
In episode 14 we explore how we can us hypnosis to finally keep our New Year Resolutions.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 13: How to deal with self sabotage
In episode 13, we explore how what can prevent clients from being successful in their coaching or hypnotherapy and how to deal with it.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 12: How to prepare a client for surgery
Dr. John Butler has many years of experience as hypno-anaesthetist. In episode 12, we explore how we can prepare our clients for surgery.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 11: How to select a client?
Not all clients are suitable for us to work with. In episode 11, we explore what we need to consider when we select clients.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 10: Why goals are so important in hypnosis
In episode 10, we explore what goals are so important for a successful hypnosis session and how to set them correctly.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 9: What is a suggestion and how do we use it in hypnosis
In episode 9, we explore what a suggestion really is, and how we can use it most effectively in the session with our clients.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 8: How to prepare your clients for a successful session?
In episode 8, we explore how we can prepare our clients for the hypnosis session so that they achieve the most benefit from it.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 7: Is smoking an addiction or a habit?
In HypnoTalk 7 we explore what makes smoking cessation an ideal case for hypnosis and what are the challenges why so many fail.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 6: How to work with Tinnitus in Hypnosis?
In HypnoTalk 6 we explore how we deal with tinnitus. What can be done and what are the challenges?
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 5: How long does it take for all suggestions to take effect?
In HypnoTalk 5 we explore what drives how fast suggestions work. Why do some suggestions seem to work at once and others seem to need a lot of time until they show results.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 4: How important is the “depth” in working with hypnosis?
In the 4th HypnoTalk we explore the question of how important the depth of hypnosis is for the result, or if there’s something more important.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 3: What can you do, if your client cannot access their emotions
In the 3rd HypnoTalk we explore the question of what can be done when clients have no access to their emotions and feelings.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 2: How important is the ISE really?
In the 2nd HypnoTalk we explore the question of how important the ISE really is for the outcome of hypnosis work.
HypnoTalks Q&A – Episode 1: Introduction
Dr John Butler and Axel Hombach introduce the PodCast in the 1st HypnoTalk and announce the first topics.
Nojer Hypnose-Podcast HypnoTalks Q&A
HypnoTalks Q&A is a new podcast in which Axel Hombach and neurologist Dr John Butler look at topics from the everyday life of a hypnotist.